Dear Diane and  Ian (+Lethbridge Sunrise)

Long time since you have heard from me, and I am sorry about that.
But work and school is unfortunately keeping me busy.
I stopped working in the stable a while ago, but I still work in that underwear store and in the sports bar.
But now I also work on a gas-station.
So I am very busy, and I'm almost never home.

 I also moved out from home, so now I am living by myself in a fine little apartment close to school.
It's nice, and I enjoy living here, although I have to do the cleaning and everything by myself.  haha.
So I started on my second year of school this summer, so now I have this year and one more year left,
and then I have decided to join the army for 4 months, and then go to Italy to become a ski guide for the winter.
That way I can save up some money, and maybe come to Canada before I go into university to study dentistry.
My younger sister got a new riding coach and moved to another stable where there are more girls at her age,
and it is going very well, and now she just started on taking some dance-lessons every Monday,
in that way she can hang out with her school-friends at the same time.
My older sister had to go through surgery a while ago, because of her under byte she couldn't breathe through her nose.
She looked scary for a while, and I couldn't look at her while she was eating, because she couldn't feel anything in her lower
lip, so she would spill like she was a handicapped. But now she look very pretty, although her chin still is a little swelled.
Now she is thinking about going to New Zealand to study finances, which I guess would be fun for her, even though I don't see
any fun in finances.  haha
My mom moved to another school to work, but she doesn't like the school leader. He told her that when he went to visit her class,
the kids where not allowed to say hello to him, only her. My mom wont let that happen, because she thinks it's like teaching
the kids to be rude. But she really like the other teachers and the kids, so although the school leader is a jerk, I think she is happy there.
My dad just got a new office in town, but I still don't know what he does :) But it is a very nice office, so I come visit him lots :)
I just think he is bored with his job. He just don't look as happy as he used to do.
But I think that thing with the house we were gonna build is bothering him. He has now been waiting for the house in 3 years,
means my parents and my younger sister still lives in an apartment. 
I am planning on coming to Canada again, but my dear wallet don't allow it in the nearest future.
But you guys are always welcome to come visit me here in Denmark!
See you!