Posted by Richard Tamkin

October 2018 CONVOY


All 6 vehicles have been checked over. All 6 have been cleaned, washed and shined. All decals have been applied. All are waiting to be loaded with cargo before the October 4th departure following the big celebration send off breakfast.

This is the culmination of countless hours of negotiation, form filling, verification, translation, labelling, cross checking and finally loading. Over 800 pages of forms has been sent to Mexico City seeking duty free importation of the vehicles and cargo.

All 6 vehicles were presented to our local media at a luncheon event hosted by Lethbridge’s Fire department at their 5th Avenue North station on Wednesday, September 26. Most of the volunteer drivers were also present wondering quite what they had let themselves into. From past experience they will see lots of delightful scenery, meet fascinating people from all parts of both American and Mexican society plus see miles and miles of tarmac.

Note the cargo loaded inside.


Another Club has joined the convoy!


And look! Yet another Club has joined the convoy. We are growing.



The local media were invited to inspect, film and photograph all the 6 vehicles in this year’s convoy at a luncheon held in the 5th Street North fire hall. The volunteer drivers explained to the media the origins of the project and it’s effect on many Mexican communities. Often these donated vehicles are the first emergency vehicles their town or village has owned.


Pincher Creek continues to support the convoy – as it has since Los Amigos began.