Make-a-Wish Canada Asks for Help
Hello!  Is there any way we can ask you to share a need for casino volunteers with your membership?  We are really hurting for volunteers for our casino next Monday and Tuesday and are reaching out to civic clubs to see if they have any members who might enjoy casinos?   It is at the PURE casino in Lethbridge.  Thank you and please let me know if that’s okay?
The following shifts are available:
Nov. 2, 1 - 8 pm - 2 volunteers needed
Nov. 2, 8 pm -4:30 am - 1 volunteer needed
Nov. 3, 1 - 8 pm - 3 volunteers needed
Nov. 3, 8 pm - 4:30 am - 3 volunteers needed
April Stallings
Manager, Resource Development
Make-A-Wish® Canada
587-880-3268 telephone
403-265-1704 fax