Dr. Robert James Sutherland


Dr. Robert James Sutherland

Phone: 403.394.3987

E-mail: robert.sutherland@uleth.ca

PhD - Dalhousie University
MA - Dalhousie University
BSc - University of Toronto


Rob Sutherland received his PhD in Psychology from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He moved to the Department of Psychology at University of Lethbridge in 1980, completing postdoctoral training in Neuropsychology on a NSERC Fellowship. From 1981 – 1991 he was a faculty member in Psychology and then from 1991 – 2001 he accepted a position at the University of New Mexico where he was Professor of Psychology, Physiology, & Neuroscience and Head of the Behavioural Neuroscience Area. He returned to Lethbridge where he is Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience, Alberta Heritage Medical Scientist, and Director of CCBN. His current research investigates the neurobiology of learning, memory, and amnesia in roden